PCGS Hall Of Fame
The Imperial Coins PCGS Hall of Fame showcases a selection of key highlights that have returned from PCGS through our coin grading service.
Want to submit a coin for grading? Head to our PCGS Coin Grading page for more information.

1911 Australian Penny - PCGS SP 64RB
Unique in private hands, this 1911 specimen was considered a legend until it came onto the open market in 2015.
1916-I Australian 'Mule' Half Penny -
With only 9 example in existence it was a genuine privilege to handle this famous rarity through the submission centre.
1922/1 Australian 'Overdate' Threepence - PCGS AU58
The finest known of the type and now safely held with the MSN PCGS Set Registry Threepence collection.

1923 Australian Half Penny - PCGS MS 63BN
The sole finest graded by PCGS and without doubt one of the best coins we have handled over the years.
1932 Australian Florin - PCGS MS 64
Not all MS64's are equal and the 1932 Florin is a great example of that. This particular example was originally from the Benchmark Collection and now lives with the MSN set registry florin set.
1988 Australian 'Coat of Arms' 50c Mule - PCGS PR 63DCAM
Struck in sterling silver the 1988 Mule is the holy grail for error collectors.
2000 Australian 'Millennium' 50c Incused - PCGS MS 65
For a coin which is notoriously known for its crude strike and surfaces to turn up in such fine grade is a true modern rarity.

2005 Australian 'Mob of Roos' $1 Mule -
A favourite of ours and the most under-rated decimal rarity.

2015 Australian 'Lest We Forget' $2 Bullseye Error - PCGS MS 66
The first of the super popular bulls-eye errors to surface and be graded by PCGS also happened to be the finest known of this error type, selling for over $12,000 at auction.